Now suppose you want to know what good means in this sentence:

These lamb chops are good.

Certainly lamb chops are not kind, skillful, or polite. They may be above average, desirable, or pleasant, or all three, but you need to know in what way. Most of the definitions in the main entry for good either do not fit at all or do not fit very well. Only two do fit and have something to say that is clearly related to lamb chops—definitions 11 and 12. As a matter of fact, the illustrative phrases let you know that you have some­thing in these two: good food and good meat. hungarian private teacher district 19 price eur

The next thing to do is to choose between them. To do this, you have to think care­fully about the context.

Who is speaking? When? In what circum­stances? If it was your mother when she was planning to serve the chops for dinner or when she was taking them out of the refrig­erator, she was probably thinking of good in the sense it has in definition 12—"Unspoiled; fresh: good meat"—and therefore healthful and desirable for the family to eat. If it was a little later, and you yourself made the remark after you had had a few bites, you probably meant that the chops struck you as being "Above the average in quality, degree, or kind: good food," as definition 11 puts it. You were finding them pleasant to eat because of their taste. hungarian private teacher Budapest

The sentence taken by itself makes sense when good is used in either of these two meanings. But the broader context, includ­ing who said it and when, decides which meaning was intended.

Before we leave the entry for good, let us look at one more sentence:

These chops are good and tough.

You can go through all the numbered defini­tions without finding what good means in that sentence. If you go on past them, though, you will find the idiom—good and. It is labeled informal and looks like this: hungarian teacher Budapest district 10

— good and informal Very;  extremely.

By substituting, you know that the sentence above means this:

These chops are extremely tough.

Many long entries with many definitions need the same kind of care we just gave to the entry for good. It is not hard to get a general idea of what one of these words means. It is hard to choose the exact mean­ing you want out of a large number. Think about all the circumstances that make up the context. They will tell you the right definition to choose.

Remember these two points. Don't stop at the first definition that might possibly fit but does not exactly. The one that fits ex­actly may come later in the entry. It may even be down among the idioms. Second, think hard about what is really being said and what the circumstances really are. Other­wise, you may miss the point—and the right definition—entirely.

Reading the Figures

Whenever a figure (a picture, diagram, or map) appears with a main entry, you are certain to find clearer and fuller information than you could get from just a definition. Be sure to look at the figures carefully.

an-gle n., v. an­gled, an-gling 1 n. A ge­ometric figure formed by two rays that have the same end point. 2 n. The space be­tween such rays or surfaces, measured in degrees. 3 v. To move or turn at an -angle: The halfback angled down the field. 4 n. A point of view; standpoint: The problem discussed from all angles.